The 12 Promises of UA

1.Time reverence – we value and wisely use our time. We use it to accomplish
our goals and visions. We quickly do what must be done.
2. Idea discernment – we carefully consider others ideas. We accept those that
make sense for us (i.e. those that get results and which fit our personalities and
3. Confidence in our Abilities – Once we have demonstrated competence in
our jobs or business, we can calmly communicate our worth and value. We let our
results speak for themselves.
4. Having only valuable possessions – we have only possessions that serve
us, either now or in the future. We may not have a lot, but what we have is of good
quality and is clean. We sell, give away or discard that which we no longer need.
5. Consistency of Effort – we work consistently with plenty of time for relaxation.
We keep a good balance between work and relaxation so that we don’t exhaust
ourselves nor put off important tasks. We make consistent progress day by day.
6. Appropriate giving away of our time – we only give away our time when we
can easily afford to or when there is a clear benefit to us. Although we are helpful,
we don’t do it at our expense.
7. Fair valuing and fair pricing – we fairly value our abilities and services
based on our ability to add value and what the market will bear. We ask for
increases in compensation when we deserve it or because the market will bear it.
We charge enough so that we can live comfortably while meeting all of our
expenses, along with having a surplus for fun, savings, a prudent reserve, and
long term expenses such as retirement.
8. Fellowship – we choose to work with others when appropriate, and we work
alone when appropriate. We socialise but not at the expense of time that we need
to be by ourselves, whether for rest, planning or work.
9. Vibrant health and energy – because we know that we have value, we
approach each endeavor with vibrant energy and health.
10. Feelings of worthiness – we feel relaxed when asking for or being given
what we need or what we are owed. We realise we are simply asking for that
which is rightfully ours.
11. Follow through or completion – we follow up on opportunities, leads, or
jobs that could be profitable. We follow up when it makes sense. We complete
projects and tasks except when it doesn’t make sense to complete them. Further,
because we value our time, we don’t complete them at an unnecessary level – i.e.
we accept that often things don’t need to be done perfectly or sometimes even
well. We focus on that which is most relevant to us.
12. Stability Valuing – as we realise that stability is an important foundation
of our lives, we avoid unnecessary conflict with co-workers, supervisors and
clients. We avoid creating unnecessary problems that can result in financial
distress or unnecessary drama.